October 27, 2009

How to get quality followers on Twitter

No this is not spam for some app or other. Just some common sense advise.

First off, I can't get it into my poor head why any one would want more followers jut for the numbers of followers. Unless you're trying to sell something, in which case this blog post is probably of no interest to you whatsoever. I'm directing these advices to the regular tweeter, It's the real individuals that I find it interesting to follow.

I've been on Twitter for quite a while but didn't really start using it until the night of the finals in the Eurovision Song Contest. Through a chat at eurOut  I got in contact with some great girls/women and through them I found more people to follow.

An aside re Twitters viral properties. The day of the finals I started following Malena Ernman, a Swedish opera singer and our contestant in the contest.At the morning of the contest she had around 300 followers. She was tweeting frequently and when Russian police cracked down on a Pride demonstration she tweeted her outrage. I, and many others retweeted her comments, and others in their turn spread the word and at the end of the evening Malena had over 3000 followers. Unlike many celebs her tweets are sometimes personal, sometimes show related, but allways interesting. Her nick on Twitter is @Malena_Ernman and if you want to see pics of a really sexy opera diva in all kinds of situations follow her on Face Book.

But let's get back on track. At the moment of writing I have 731 followers and I haven't done anything specific to get followers. But I've been thinking the last few days about what I've done to be so honoured and have reached a few conclusions.

Tweet links to sites that can interest your followers. In my case trans and lesbian related and general LGBT issues. If they find your links good they will probably retweet them and more people interested in the same topics will notice you and maybe follow you.

Take an active part in discussions in the tweet stream. If your tweets are relevant to the topic they don't have to be deeply profound and witty. The important thing is that you care about what you're tweeting, be yourself and others will appreciate it.

Not all tweet streams have to be discussions,  it can be a friendly banter between two or more tweeple.

Great the tworld when you log on and when you log off. I often use some thing like "Good morning sweet twibe. This cougar is wide awake and ready to roar." and "This cougar is turning into a sleepy kitten. G'nite sweet twibe." The latter often accompanied by a pic of a sleeping kitten. I like the term sewet twibe. I  picked it up from Kate Bornstein @katebornstein .

Don't flood the tweet stream with all the small details of your day. A few remarks like "Goddess I need coffee" and the like are OK. In fact it can help create a clearer picture of who you are, your personality.

When some one follows you follow back, unless it's an obvious spammer.

If you tweet some one who has a zillion followers don't be disappointed if you get no immediate response. Instead be glad when yo do get one, I just got one from Billie Myers @BillieMyers saying huge thanks, made me fell kinda warm and fuzzy.

If you have a blog, tweet when a new post is published.

This is, more or less the way I've been tweeting and something about is must be right as the number of tweeple following me keeps increasing. I got two more followers as I was writing this.

Hugs, kisses, love and lashes until next time


  1. Great advice! These are wonderful ways to create & sustain relationships which is the real purpose of a social network, isn't it? Forget about the competitive aspects, there are always people concerned with "winning" but, luckily, you choose who to follow!

  2. You're right. I didn't realise what a wise old crone I am. :-)
