October 23, 2009

Hormones On My Mind

I have lately become aware of some effects of being on hormones. I'm on Divigel, an oestrogen gel that I put on 2 x 1mg in the morning and 1mg in the evening and Cyproteron 50mg, one in the morning and one in the evening. The latest blood work showed all hormones well within the upper range of normal female values. I started on hormones Nov 18 2008 so it's almost a year now. I had to stop the Cyproteron for a while due to bad liver values. But started again in the end of July. The combined effect of the oestrogen and the testo blockers worked wonders for my tits, they more or less just popped out. Still small, of course, but the pain and the hotness of them are promises of further growth. As for body hair it grows more slowly and the hairs are much thinner. The facial hair also grows slower and that means that I have to stop shaving at least two days before electro or my dermatologist will not be able to find the buggers.

But the changes that I've been most aware of lately (aside from constantly touching my lovely new tits and saying to myself like Kate B. " I made those!") are mental. I am more at peace and I'm able to concentrate in a way I couldn't before. As an example: when I start writing, words and ideas flows in a way that I haven't experienced since early puberty. I've also noticed that my short term memory seems to have gotten worse. Like I get up from the computer to do/get something and when I reach the door to the living room I have no idea what I was going to do. Of course this could be an age thing or a side effect of the better concentration, I'm so into what I do at the computer that I plain forget the minor things, like cocking dinner.

  I also feel emotions more strongly. The tears that have trickled down lately when watching TV-shows would fill a bucket. When I saw the video of Nema dying in Iran I cried on and off for hours. I passed a Persian restaurant nearby and the tears started flowing again. In all my years as a male I can only remember really crying one time. And tears of joy at the birth of my daughters. Now that I think of it I also shed tears when hearing "Jag vill leva i Europa" a great Swedish song about how the missiles are aimed at different cities.

And babies, puppies and, most of all, cats just makes me feeling warm and fuzzy. I feel the urge to let a cat adopt me growing every day.

On the whole the combination of hormones and socialisation have made me a more harmonious, happier and more fulfilled woman than the aspiring woman I was a year ago.

Hugs, kisses, love and lashes until next time


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