September 22, 2009

No Smoking!

Well, maybe if I was asked to play the part of deliciously decadent lezzie in the heydays of the cabaret in Berlin of the 20s. Then I might wear one.

Seriously, I stopped smoking today. The reasons are many, the obvious ones related to health and money. You all know about those. Add to that he fact that my plastic surgeon demands that I am smoke free before he performs my SRS. And my speech therapist wont continue our sessions until I've been without my ciggies for at least two weeks. She wants me to reach at least an octave higher. As it is there is no way any one can call my voice feminine. So to stop smoking is no longer a matter of choice. I have to do it.The operation will probably be in March or April so there I have some time yet. But the voice is something I'd like to do something about ASAP.

 I started writing this on Monday and it's now Tuesday afternoon. I'm too jittery and having problem concentrating. One of the hardest thing about quitting is the habitual cigs, when you answer the phone, after a meal, after a cup of coffee...... I have the bad habit of smoking while I write, a few seconds pause to ponder a turn of phrase and I reach for a cigarette.

Trying to pass the time with soaps and movies. They say the first days are the worst. I hope so. I've tried to stop before. The last attempt was this summer with the help of Champix, I did cut down considerably but was nauseous all the time and also depressed and tired. It might have worked if I stopped not just cut down.

This time I'm stopping without crutches. No meds, gum, band aids or the like. Just the will to quit. I'm trying to convince myself that there is a genetic component in all this. My mother and my daughters all had a relatively easy time quitting so I'm hoping that goes for me too.

Until next time love and kisses

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