September 10, 2009

Finally! Green light for SRS!

Well, it's not all finalised but today my doc agreed to send my application for SRS (Sexual Reassignment Surgery) to "socialstyrelsens rättsliga råd" I guess in the US it would be something like the legal counsel of the department of medicine or some such.

So what happens now is that I fill in a form, mail it to my doc who forwards it to the above mentioned institution together with his assessment and a recommendation that I'd be allowed to continue my transition. I will then be called before the counsel before they make their decision. It's almost unheard of that they go against the recommendation.. 

So with one decision i get the operation(s), change of name and födelsenummer (social security number) all in one fell swoop. After that I'm in line for the plastic surgeon,  I've heard he's very good.

The time table is a bit uncertain, it depends on how many more wants the SRS, how long the cue is. But realistically it will take five to six months until I'm finally a complete woman.

Then you better watch out my lovelies, then this cougar will really be on the prowl!

Love and kisses

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