Last night a message went out on Facebook and twitter to assemble at Sergels Torg in central Stockholm in two hours to protests the murders in Tel Aviv. Despite the short notice over a hundred people turned out to protest and to show our support for our friends in Israel.
Every time I hear about a hate killing it makes me sad but also angry. I can somehow understand someone who kills out of jealousy or greed even if I abhor any taking of a human life. But to kill someone you don't even know because who they are, what they look like, their politics or religion, that is something I can never understand. How can we stop all this hate killings? I know it's almost like wishing for world peace. But nevertheless it's something we must stive to do.
Regardless of what we do we must keep in mind not to start any kind of vendetta. That just fuels the hatred. I'm not a religious person and leas of all a christian but there is a saying that is very true and on topic here: Hate the sin, not the sinner.
The reason that the murders in Tel Aviv moves us is that the victims were so young and that Tel Avivi supposedly is a very gay friendly city. But let's not forget the hatefull violence that ocurs every day all over the world. As an example: I read a report last week that a trans person is killed every third day.
So back to the question - what can we do to stop the hate?
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